
Sunday 31.03.2024

Published 30 03 2024, 17:05

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wet snow
Gliding snow

Watch out for wet snow!

In the High, Western and Low Tatras there is a moderate avalanche danger (i.e. 2nd degree of the 5-part international scale). On very steep slopes, spontaneous or mechanically released avalanches from wet snow can be expected. The danger is particularly high with large additional loads. On slopes with grassy ground, in all orientations, there is a risk of foundation avalanches, which can reach large dimensions. Beware, flowing avalanches have a high destructive potential, even when they are slow!


The snow cover is soaked in the whole profile at altitudes up to 2 200 m above sea level. Strong south wind bringing very warm air does not allow the air temperature to drop below 0°C even at the highest altitudes of the High Tatras even during the night. Beware, the snow is wet and heavy in a thick layer, even a slide from under your own skis or snowboard can pull you down.



Compiled by: Ivan Chlebovec

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wet snow
Gliding snow

Watch out for wet snow!

For Malá Fatra a low avalanche danger is declared (i.e. 1st degree of the 5-part international scale). Small spontaneous or mechanically released avalanches from wet snow can be expected on very steep slopes. Danger to skiers or hikers is especially likely in association with terrain traps. In places where a thick layer of snow is accumulated, there is a risk of medium-sized foundation avalanches. Beware, flowing avalanches have great destructive potential, even if they are slow!


The remaining snow cover is already soaked throughout the profile. A strong southerly wind bringing very warm air does not allow the air temperature to drop below 0°C even during the night. The integrity of the snow cover in the Mala Fatra is already considerably compromised even on the main ridge.



Compiled by: Ivan Chlebovec