
Wednesday 14.02.2024

Published 13 02 2024, 17:42

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab

Overturned snow slabs at the highest altitudes

In the High, Low and Western Tatras there is a moderate avalanche danger at altitudes above 1700 m a.s.l. Winds from northern directions have created snow slabs and pillows on the southern leeward slopes. Avalanche release is possible here, especially with high additional load. In the lower altitudes it had mainly rained in the previous days, therefore after the subsequent cooling the snow hardened and stabilised. Small spontaneous avalanches may occur, especially after warming in the afternoon on the southern slopes due to sunlight.


At high altitudes, snow slabs and pillows are found on the hard ground in places. Underneath is mostly hard rain crust. A continuous snow cover occurs from about 1200 m above sea level.


No change.

Danger level

Stable avalanche situation after cooling.

In Mala and Veľká Fatra, the cooling brought stabilization of the snow cover. The alternation of positive and negative temperatures hardened the snow and eventually formed a crust.


The snow cover was soaked throughout the profile by rainfall from Sunday. After cooling down, the snow hardened again and stabilised. The surface may be hard to icy in the morning, but by midday we expect it to soften due to the sun, especially on the southern sunny slopes. Continuous snow cover occurs from about 1200 m above sea level.


No change.

Compiled by: Pavel Krajčí