
Wednesday 31.01.2024

Published 30 01 2024, 17:13

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
Wet snow

For all mountain ranges of Slovakia a moderate avalanche danger is declared, i.e. 2 degree from the 5-part international scale. Dangerous are formations of wind-blown snow on very steep slopes oriented E to SW. Temperatures above freezing cause the risk of avalanches from wet snow, which can be released especially under high additional loads. The most dangerous will be sunlit slopes of S orientation with more accumulated snow and high gradients. Smaller spontaneous avalanches are also likely to occur during the day.


It has warmed up considerably in the mountains. At 1500-2200m above sea level, the air temperature is expected to stay above 0°C throughout the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. The snow cover is blown to a hard base of ice on the windward, western sides due to the very windy weekend. Pillows of wind-blown snow that are in east to southwest exposures are melting, and may become loose on the hard ground. At the same time, warming causes the top layer of snow cover to melt.


On Thursday, cooling down and snowing with wind is forecasted, the avalanche danger is likely to increase.

Compiled by Ivan Chlebovec