
Friday 08.12.2023

Published 07 12 2023, 17:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
New snow

New snow on hard to icy ground.

Avalanche danger level 2 has been declared throughout all mountain ranges. During the last period of snowfall, between 10 and 20 cm of new snow has fallen, lying on hard to icy ground, locally on wind-made snow slabs. It is not sufficiently well bonded to this substrate. Especially steep to very steep slopes above 40° are dangerous, where an avalanche can be triggered with only a small additional load.


The new snow that fell during the last snowfall period fell without significant wind action. Thus, it is relatively evenly distributed in space. It has thus covered all the existing unevenness. This snow is dry and loose, so when moving, beware of overlapped rocks and hard terrain irregularities.


The effect of the cold air lingers.

Compiled by: Martin Bešinský