Snow cover is relatively stable in the morning due to temperature changes
Moderate avalanche danger, level 2, prevails in the morning in the high mountain terrain of all mountain ranges. The problem occurs during the day, especially on sunlit, steep slopes at altitudes up to 1800 m above sea level. The avalanche danger rises to INCREASED, i.e. level 3. Spontaneous small and medium-sized avalanches from wet snow are expected to occur at the above orientations, with occasional slippery (foundation) avalanches on grassy slopes. At the highest altitudes of the Tatra Mountains (above 1900 m) the snow is still dry, beware of wind-blown snow pillows and slab snow from the last snowfall and wind.
The snow cover varies greatly in the mountains, the cause being the heavy warming and precipitation over the past weekend. Up to 1400 - 1500 m it mostly rained, at higher altitudes up to 20 cm of new snow fell together with strong NW winds.