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After the passage of a frontal system associated with a pressure low, up to 20 cm of new snow was added in the mountains of Slovakia at the highest altitudes. In all mountain ranges above the forest line there is a SMALL avalanche danger - the first degree of the five-part international scale. The avalanche danger will be mainly in places where the snow is deposited in smaller snow slabs and pillows. Such places will be located in all orientations due to changes in wind direction, but the danger will be especially on the leeward sides of ridges, peaks and terrain obstacles. Avalanches will be released by large additional loads, and their danger will be mainly from being swept into exposed terrain.
Počas poslednej periódy sneženia pribudlo v najvyšších polohách horstiev Slovenska do 20 cm nového snehu. Väčšie množstvo snehu sa prirodzene nachádza nad pásmom lesa. Najviac snehu sa nachádza na záveterných stranách pohorí všetkých expozícií. Tu je možné nájsť aj menšie dosky a snehové vankúše, ktoré môžu ležať na vrstve starého stvrdnutého premrznutého snehu, prípadne na vrstve stlačenej trávnatej podložky (Fatry).
The avalanche hazard trend is persistent.