Possible occurrence of smaller avalanches from wet snow.
Isolated occurrence of smaller avalanches from wet snow is still possible in the middle altitudes. The snow will still lose its cohesion in the morning due to the expected drizzle and rain. However, as the day progresses and it cools slightly, the snow cover will stabilise. Only at the highest altitudes of the High and Western Tatras, puffy snow slabs may occur sporadically, especially on shaded, steep to extremely steep slopes and troughs. Their size and extent are small with a risk of loosening, especially under high additional loads.
Snow cover in almost all places well consolidated and stable. During the day, occasional drizzle and rain is expected up to about 1600 m a.s.l. In the morning, at middle altitudes, the snow will locally lose its cohesion and become slushy. Later, as the zero isotherm gradually decreases, the snow will freeze and a crust will form in many places, eventually the surface will be hard to icy. Snow depths remain well below average for this time of year.