
Wednesday 17.01.2024

Published 16 01 2024, 17:00

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
New snow

The fresh snow is transported and deposited on the leeward slopes in the form of snow slabs.

In Mala Fatra, in the Western Tatras and in the western part of the High Tatras, CONSIDERABLE avalanche danger level (3) has been created over the forest zone due to very strong wind and new snow. Especially the northern exposures with loose, slab snow are dangerous, also steep slopes under rock walls and places with a significant change of slope. Avalanche release is possible with only a small additional load; spontaneous avalanches are also possible.


During Monday and especially Tuesday, 20-40 cm of new, powder snow fell in the area. However, this is already being transported to the leeward, mainly northern slopes during Wednesday. Here it is deposited in variously hard snow slabs, which are prone to avalanche when loaded. It will warm up considerably during the day, with isotherms of 0°C rising to above 1600 m above sea level in the afternoon and evening. Snow at lower and middle altitudes will become wetter and set. At altitudes up to 1000 m above sea level, new snow will be directly on the ground, without any old snow.



Compiled by Filip Kyzek

Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wind slab
New snow

Watch out for fresh, windslab snow

In Veľká Fatra, Low Tatras and the eastern part of the Tatras there is a MODERATE avalanche danger, 2nd degree. The main problem is wind-drifted snow, i.e. snow slabs, especially in the northern orientations. Avalanche release on steep slopes is possible especially with higher additional load, exceptionally spontaneous avalanches are also possible on very steep, especially northern slopes.


During the last snowfall (Monday/Tuesday) 10-20 cm of new snow fell in the regions. During Wednesday, we expect a significant increase in winds and associated snow drift to the leeward, mainly northern slopes. The wind-drifted snow will be deposited in critical snowslabs, which are prone to avalanche release. During the day it will warm up significantly, with the 0°C isotherm rising to above 1600 m above sea level by evening. Snow at lower and middle elevations will become wetter and gradually set.


with strong winds and gradual warming, it will rise